Does France’s state of emergency stop terrorists? (RFI, 26 janvier 2016)


« France is preparing to extend its state of emergency, which rights groups say is akin to letting terrorists win. Put in place after the 13 November terrorist attacks in Paris, the state of emergency gives power to police and intelligence services to act without judicial oversight. Lawmakers voted in November to extend it from 12 days to three months. And they are likely to do so again.

This is a position shared by Esther Benbassa, who was one of 12 Senators to abstain from the first vote, while the rest of the chamber voted for the extension.

“I call it cosmetic politics,” she told RFI.

In the 9 February debate in the Senate, she says she will argue against extending the emergency measures, and vote against it.

Her Green party rarely – if ever – shares positions with the Front National but in this case she says that Hollande is trying to look tough, to get reelected next year.

“In every period of history, war-like speech coming from the president has been seen as prestigious,” she said. But she doubts that extending the state of emergency will stop another terrorist attack. »


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