Les fédéralistes que nous sommes ne peuvent que regarder avec intérêt le débat démocratique rafraîchissant qui se tient en Écosse depuis quelques mois autour d’un projet de référendum d’autodétermination qui devrait être organisé en 2014. Il ne nous appartient pas de nous prononcer sur l’indépendance. Nous ne sommes pas Écossais, et le principe même du droit à l’autodétermination est qu’il appartient aux Écossais de décider librement de leur avenir, par des méthodes démocratiques. Mais nous nous devons de saluer la démarche, et d’apporter tout notre soutien aux Verts écossais, qui sont, quant à eux, favorables à l’indépendance de leur pays (non comme une fin en soi mais comme un moyen d’évoluer vers une société plus écologiste et démocratique). …
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Referendum should spark an era of radical Scottish democracy
For immediate release 25 January 2012 The Scottish Green Party today welcomed the publication of the independence referendum consultation, and called for the coming months of civic debate to act as testbed for a more inclusive way of doing politics in Scotland. …
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The Scottish Green Party on Independence
Last week saw dramatic developments in the debate on the future of Scotland and its place within the United Kingdom. The Coalition government of David Cameron decided to demand a date in the near future for a referendum on Scotland’s constitutional position. The current administration of Alex Salmond of the Scottish National Party (a member of the European Free Alliance) had a manifesto commitment to hold a referendum during its term, but they had envisaged a 2014 date, and a non-binding referendum held in Scotland with three options – Independence, maintaining the status quo or ‘Devolution Max’ (giving the Scottish Parliament authority over everything except foreign affairs and defence). The difference of opinion between London and Edinburgh has led to sharp words between Salmond and the Coalition government, and ensured the constitutional issue is at the top of the political agenda in the UK. …
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Independence Debate
Communiqué de presse du Scottish Green Party, 15 mai 2008 Greens today criticised the approach taken by the other parties to Scotland’s constitutional future as short term and tactical. The party believes that the Scottish people deserve better from all sides of the debate, and today calls for the Constitutional Convention to be revived. The Scottish Greens, Labour and the Liberal Democrats took part in the original Convention, along with church, business and trade union bodies amongst others, and the Convention’s final report in 1995 formed the basis for devolution .The party’s call for a more inclusive process was today backed by Professor Phil Hanlon, a founding member of the Constitutional Commission. …
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Greens call for inclusive debate on Constitution
Communiqué de presse du Scottish Green Party, 6 décembre 2007 Green MSP Patrick Harvie criticised both sides of the constitutional question in the Parliamentary debate on a ‘devolution commission’ this morning. He welcomed the opportunity to take forward a debate on Scotland’s future, but regretted that a chance to build the widest possible debate had been missed. The Greens argue that limiting the debate to only one option for constitutional change, whether extending devolution or independence is short-sighted and will not allow for discussion in the round. …
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