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Agribio et climat
par Adrian Muller

9 juin 2009

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From : "Adrian Muller"

To : "Climate Change Info Mailing List"

Date : Wed, 3 Jun 2009

Subject : Organic agriculture and climate change mitigation and adaptation

Dear Colleagues,

please find attached a short Rodale/FiBL policy brief collecting the current knowledge on the potential of organic agriculture for climate change mitigation and adaptation.

The main potential of organic agriculture lies in its high capacity to sequester CO2 in soils, its low N2O emissions and in its synergies between mitigation and adaptation.

An important point to emphasise when promoting organic agriculture is that yields are not necessarily lower than in conventional agriculture, in particular in arid regions and developing countries (references are given in the paper).

Two more detailed working papers whereon this policy brief is based can be downloaded at the following addresses :

- Niggli et al 2009, from the Food and Agriculture Organization FAO website :

- Muller 2009, from the Environment for Development Initiative website, University of Gothenburg/Resources for the Future RFF :

Best regards,

Adrian Muller

Socioeconomic Institute University of Zürich Blümlisalpstr. 10 CH-8006 Zurich Switzerland


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